
Wednesday, 25 January 2012


A conservative peer, Lord MacKay,  is leading a revolt in the House of Lords regarding the intention to charge parents for using the Child Support Agency to determine and chase child maintenance payments.   

When a former Conservative Minister is leading a rebellion and fighting his own party in government, there's something wrong !

 And Labour Lords are supporting him all the way !

I have just read that he has been successful but a government spokesperson has said to the Guardian that they will reverse Lord MacKay’s amendment once it returns to the Commons.  A huge defeat  in the House of Lords -  270 to 128 against plans to charge single parents to gain payments for children.. Here's the latest from The Guardian

Channel 4 News focussed  on a single parent with three children.  Her husband had obviously refused to provide financial support for his family.   This woman had no other choice but to chase child maintenance through the Child Support Agency.

This is not unusual. I know from working for a Member of Parliament that unfortunately there are many parents, usually the father, who need chasing in order for the mother to be able to provide for their children.   Where else are mothers to go to ensure that payments are made?  There are currently about one million people using the CSA.

Lord MacKay has said that it is unfair to charge women for this service:

 "A significant proportion who go to the CSA can't do anything else to get maintenance before they come.  It’s these people - I feel it’s quite unfair to charge - what else can they do?" 

The intention is that the CSA will charge £100 before they begin to process the request.  That is a difficult sum to find upfront for someone who is already struggling.  Once the maintenance payments are secured the Agency will then take 7-12% off the payment.  The CSA costs £450m to run.

Absent parents who fail to support their families also will have to pay an extra 15-20% charge on top of their maintenance.  The government believes it will level the playing field and take the blame game away.

Maria Miller, Minister for Disabled, appeared on Channel 4 news.  She said "Perhaps by having to think about paying fees for using the system, it will make them think twice about simply relying on the state to determine their child maintenance arrangements and actually encourage them to do what we know is best for the children, and to work together".   Its gone very cold in here..

I suppose this is what we can expect from a government front bench of millionaires ! Women and children are to suffer – yet again !

And if that isn't enough - I've just read that the government is determined to finish off the ultimate safety net - The Discretionary Social Fund.  This is available with discretion when all else fails, often people are penniless - the most marginilised within society.  We must not forget in this time of austerity that this can happen to any one of us.  Just lose your job and who knows what might happen..    Another one for the House of Lords too !

 There's suddenly another chill in the air...

Let's hope this chill spells another defeat for this outrageously discompassionate government.

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