
Thursday, 26 January 2012

Will the British public forgive.. ever ?

An interesting article appears in the New Statesman    And Nick's expression really says it all.

So why doesn't he back his party members and say No ?  If they voted with Labour this Bill would be stopped in its track.  Are ministerial cars so attractive ?  Nasty Nick could become St. Nick in one House of Commons vote !  He'd have far more friends if he pushed Dave aside ! Maybe he realises that he took the wrong decision going into cahoots with Cameron and knows that if his party voted against the tories, it would be the start of the end of the coalition.  But he'd regain his party and maybe some sense of decency !

The money that is being spent on the reforms could be spent on the NHS - it needs investment - its as simple as that! I honestly don't think people have any real idea what damage is about to be done.  I'd like to hear every Labour MP who is interviewed on radio or tv bring this rotten Bill to the public's attention.  It isn't too late !! 

There are going to be closures of hospitals, treatment available now may only be available if you can afford it.  We know this in York from the Haxby Health Centre issue - hospitals will not retain Consultants to undertake some procedures/surgery if GPs are not willing to send patients unless the patients can pay or go where the service is available on the NHS - some distance away!   These changes are already happening !

We expect this sort of policy from the nasty tories but not from the Lib Dems !

Can someone explain how this government is pushing through the reforms before the Bill has gone through the legislative process – it’s still with the House of Lords ! This brings me to say that the Labour Lords have done a magnificent job in attempting to stall this Bill.  If only the Lib Dem Lords had have had the same strand of steel in their spines ! 

If this Bill is passed with the help of the Lib Dems, I do wonder when the British public realise that they have lost the service they hold so dear, whether they will forgive the Lib Dems - ever ?   This is the opportunity for the Lib Dems to show that they still care about people.  Maybe we should give them one last chance to show that they still have some compassion.

 Nick, it’s over to you !

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