
Saturday, 11 June 2011

The pause is over and now we wait...

Why do I feel that I'm waiting to meet the executioner !  I understand there are talks going on between David Cameron & Nick Clegg, no doubt a few other friends/foes too, about the NHS reforms.  I suppose the content will be about Cameron trying to get his way by keeping the right wing of the Tory party on board whilst coincidentally attempting to keep Clegg and his party sweet.  Hmm....  I wonder if Shirley Williams & her senior cohorts in the Lib Dem Party will go along with the changes -  or will it be just too much.. or is the desire to stay in power just too strong ?

We know that, despite what David Cameron says, that waiting lists have not just doubled but spiralled. There are figures which disclaim his statements at PMQs and reports appear to qualify this  The King's Fund is monitoring these figures - the graphs are quite frightening
The initials A & E represent Accident & Emergency - isn't that a clue that a visit to that department is urgent...  yet waiting times to be seen  by a doctor stand at now over four hours.  From the information above, there is enough evidence here that clearly conveys this govt can't be trusted with the NHS.

David Cameron will be determined to get the reforms through the House and he and Nick Clegg will have to persuade their respective parties that the 'pause' has been worth it. .

Time is growing closer as to when we know about the reformed NHS bill. I wonder just what it will contain... I really don't mind that the NHS could collaborate with the private sector - there could be benefits. After all many of our NHS consultants already work within the private sector.  What does worry me is that shareholder profits & dividends take priority and that patient needs and care are put on the back burner...  The money which is to be put into private health care is our money, it belongs to the citizens of the UK - the taxpayers. It may soon fall into the hands of big business.  I do not want the NHS to be run where profit is more important than the patient !

Thre are some excellent examples of treatment and care within the NHS, where waste is kept to a minimum.    Wouldn't it be a refreshing change if this government actually met with some of those managers/consultants with proven expertise in patient outcomes and good financial management and ask them how they do it.  It is only now, after investment during Labour years, that we have seen great improvements - before then the NHS was on its knees.  I know, I worked within it !   A conversation withthose health professionals could well pay dividends for all of us - it would be a good start rather than merely telling them to cut, cut, cut !  But - equally importantly - the government must listen to those health professionals !  If they ignore..  we're all in peril !  And I certainly hope, if they are unhappy with the proposed reforms, that health professionals will be prepared to say so.  The BMA has never been a shy and retiring oranisation.. so I am hopeful.

A wonderful  organisation like the NHS, that is the envy of the rest of the world,  cannot stand still, it must evolve along with new treatments that become available.  Reforms and change can be greatly beneficial but surely initiatives need to be within a nature of collaboration with the NHS itself.  And finally, the one thing that the NHS needs and deserves is investment. Without that,  it will die..  and what we could be left with just doesn't bear thinking about !

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